Now the city is littered with corpses, wildly powerful guardians roam the corridors as little girls loot the dead, and genetically mutated citizens ambush you at every turn. Constructed as an idealistic society for a hand picked group of scientists, artists and industrialists, the idealism is no more. After your plane crashes into icy uncharted waters, you discover a rusted bathysphere and descend into Rapture, a city hidden beneath the sea.

Going beyond "run and gun corridors," "monster-closet AIs" and static worlds, BioShock creates a living, unique and unpredictable FPS experience. The game's daring new art style features the most advanced graphics of any Source-based game released to date. Team Fortress 2 - an all-new version of the legendary title that spawned team based multiplayer action games. Portal - a pioneering type of single player action game that rewrites the rules for how players approach and manipulate their environment – much like how Half-Life 2's Gravity Gun reinvented the way gamers interact with objects in the game. Half-Life 2: Episode Two - the second installment in Valve's episodic trilogy advances the award-winning story, leading the player to new locations outside of City 17. Freeman reconnects with Alyx Vance and her robot, Dog, as they continue their support of the resistance's battle against the Combine forces. Freeman, who must immediately face the repercussions of his actions in City 17 and the Citadel. Half-Life 2: Episode One - The player reprises his role of Dr. And a lot of people - people he cares about - are counting on him. Freeman is thrust into the unenviable role of rescuing the world from the wrong he unleashed back at Black Mesa. Games included in The Orange Box compilation: The original Half-Life 2 - The player again picks up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, who finds himself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling.